These are excerpts from the latest posts to our email listserv. You can subscribe to the listserv by clicking this Link.
- Folks, you are all invited to the next orchard potluck, Saturday Feb. 22, from 12 noon-3 pm. At 1 pm, orchard volunteers Eleni Econopoluy and Alex Lockwood, who have both studied communities centered around environmentalism and mutual aid, will present a program on Degrowth and Commoning. Degrowth is a phase of planned and equitable economic contraction by rich nations to reach a steady state that can operate within the Earth's biophysical […]
- Folks, two of our members, Lori Donath and Tayyaba Sadiq, asked that we share this notice. You may attend in person at the Russell House or via the zoom link below.Sustainable Agriculture as Resistance in Palestine–An OverviewPlease join us Wed., Feb. 5 from 6:30-8:30 at USC (Russell House Room 348–or Zoom link below) to learn about how Palestinians do sustainable agriculture as resistance to settler colonial projects. Pooja Jacob, of the student group, Carolina Liberation […]
- Greetings! The Columbia Resilience Integrative Health Stress Relief Clinic is THIS SATURDAY, February 8, 10-2pm, at St. Simon & St. Jude Episcopal Church, 1110 Kinley Road, Irmo 29063. You MUST register for "table time ' – Craniosacral Therapy, Gentle Massage, Sound Healing, Qi Gong – Guided Labyringh Walk is available and lunch is included. Donations accepted but not required.Call Pam Lorentz at 803-749-1576 to save a place. […]
- That is wonderful news! Thank You Karen and McKenzie for taking the lead.Pam*"May the Blessing Be." *On Mon, Feb 3, 2025 at 6:34 AM Anne Burke wrote:> Folks, we are happy to announce that the Rosewood Community Orchard has> been approved as a People's Garden site by the Office of Urban Agriculture> and Innovative Production under the U.S. Department of Agriculture. You> can read all about Peoples' Gardens and use the interactive […]
- Folks, we are happy to announce that the Rosewood Community Orchard has been approved as a People's Garden site by the Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production under the U.S. Department of Agriculture. You can read all about Peoples' Gardens and use the interactive map to find the orchard here again to Karen Murphy and Mckenzie Scott, orchard co-lead gardeners, and ALL the wonderful volunteers who maintain it. Don't forget […]
We sometimes remember to post events to our google calendar. If you would like to add an event to the calendar please send an email announcement to .