Reporter Sam Perez recently featured a story of the 10-year anniversary of Columbia Resilience managing the Rosewood Community Orchard and in particular, our hopes for fundraising to install new infrastructure – a tool shed and more boardwalks. Check it out!…
Support The Rosewood Community Orchard
The Rosewood Community Orchard is Growing, and we need your help! The 10th Year anniversary celebration was also a fund raising kick-off. Find out more about what we need and how you can help by visiting our campaign page here:…
Rosewood Orchard Featured on WLTX
WLTX spent some time at the Orchard, interviewing Karen, as well as other volunteers and guests.
Richland County Ag and Art Tour, 2023
Rosewood Public Orchard featured in “Stories to Action!”
In 2021 Transition US Published a series of articles titled “Stories to Action.” The February 2021 story featured The Rosewood Public Orchard and Anne Burke’s beautiful descriptions of how this orchard connects people, ideas and resources both within the Rosewood…
iNaturalist Project at the Columbia Orchard
One of the fantastic volunteers at the Community Orchard has set up a biodiversity project at the orchard. There are more than 144 observations in this beautiful section of the park. Below you will find some of the more recent…
Notices from The Public Orchard Listserv
If you have an interest in supporting the Orchard with your ideas and/or skills, you can join the conversation on our listserv. The latest notices will be posted here or you can sign up for email notices here.
Plaque to Honor the Work of Michael Juras!
Please join us on June 29th at 6:00 pm for the dedication of the plaque honoring Michael Juras, which will be placed on the new kiosk at the Rosewood Community Orchard. We are so grateful to all those who made…
Thanks for a nice introduction to the Rosewood Public Orchard!
Thanks to Tory Morton for sharing his experience walking through the Rosewood Community Orchard. Tory has a small permaculture project in Gaston, SC. and has been practicing Permaculture for about 6 years. You can follow his YouTube Channel here: