Columbia Resilience


How did the Transition movement start?

The Transition movement emerged from the work of permaculture educator Rob Hopkins and his students at the Kinsale Further Education College in Ireland. In early 2005 they created the Kinsale Energy Descent Action Plan, which was later adopted as policy by the Town Council. It was the first strategic community planning document of its kind, and went beyond the issues of energy supply, to look at creative adaptations in the realms of food, farming, education, economy, health, and much more.

After moving back to the UK to complete his doctorate, Rob decided to take the Peak Oil preparation process beyond the classroom and into the community. He started Transition Towns Totnes in early 2006, and it took off like a rocket. It has since spread virally across the world as groups in other communities quickly copied the model and initiated the Transition process in their own locale.

How can I get involved?

You can join the Columbia Resilience listserv by sending an email to  Attend a potluck (watch our Facebook page or calendar for more details).  Join a working group.  Come up with your own good ideas for community resilience and start a new working group.  We welcome new ideas and new faces!

Is Columbia Resilience affiliated with any political party? 

No, Transition is non-partisan. It seeks to include all members of society in the collaborative development of community resilience.